Greek Week is one of the most exciting times of the year for any fraternity or sorority! After a whole year of hard work, most campuses that have a Greek life presence, engage in a fun-filled week of competitions just for the Greek community at the end of the year. Each college has different rules for their Greek week and different events, so we will just focus on one campus just for the gist of what Greek week is all about. We will focus on Greek week at Sacred Heart University. On Sacred Heart's campus, Greek week is from Monday through Sunday this year. There is a different competition each day of the week (excluding Friday) and each fraternity and sorority receives points depending on how good they do in each certain competition. This is the first year that Greek Olympic is not part of Greek week, but instead, it is an event all on its own at a later date. Here is a break down of all the events:
Each member from their organization wears a shirt, sweater, hoodie, etc with their letters on it that day. This is cool because all around campus there is just an influx of letters that day of all different organizations and color. On this day, every organization can gain the maximum amount of points allotted because it is just on a percentage basis. Over 75% participation will gain the maximum amount of points (10). Then 65% and 50% with 7 points and 3 points respectively.
During the Greek life breakfast, all of Greek life gets together for a free breakfast provided for them and each member has to bring in two canned goods also. This event is also on a percentage basis just like letter day.
During family feud, each organization will have two teams in the tournament style competition. Once a team wins, they move on to the next round. Family feud is set up to be fraternities versus each other and sororities versus each other. The top three fraternities and top three sororities are given 10,7, and 3 points respectively. Also, because each organization is allowed two teams, they can possibly place two teams in the top 3 and get both the points.
Each organization will be given 30 clothespin to design and decorate. These pins will be given out to each of the 30 members of each organization at 11am and the game will start at 12pm. The rules are that who ever is wearing a pin must be wearing letters to signify they are clearly in Greek life. Once someone with a pin tags someone else with a pin with two hands, they will take all their pins that they currently have (NO TAG BACKS). The game ends at 3pm where at least 10 representative from each organization meet in a designated area. The pins will be tallied up and the top three will get points.
This is the only day that does not count for points. Flo Rida is the spring concert at SHU and there will be no Greek event, but instead they can all just attend the concert.
This event is always a big hit and very amusing. Each organization has about 8-12 minutes to perform a skit. The theme this year is television shows so each fraternity and sorority has to incorporate a show somehow into their skit. There are 3 judges and the top three highest scoring fraternity and sorority will receive points towards Greek week.
This is also a participation event that every organization can earn maximum points for. Each organization will congregate at the campus chapel for a mass on that Sunday afternoon.
After all the points are tallied up from each event, one fraternity and one sorority is crowned Greek week champion and can brag for a whole year until the next Greek week!